Thursday, 4 April 2013

Now what?

            For some of us, graduation is close approaching and many of us are asking ourselves: Who do we want to be? What is next? What is the REAL world going to be like? While these are all normal thoughts, some of us may want to consider what our Facebook accounts say about ourselves… and if this “identity” we created is appropriate for the next chapter in our lives.

While it might have made you seem “cool” in school, all those pictures of you partying and intoxicated may not translate into giving you a real job.  It is time for a clean up people! Essentially it is time to use tools provided by social media platforms to reinvent yourself, yet again. However, this time around turn that “cool” drunk university kid into a young professional – don’t forget to make it believable by posting about all the right topics and engage with all the right people. Only problem is, when you step into real life and you no longer have a screen to hide behind, people realize the person you are online does not translate to real life - Uh Oh…

 WAIT! Have no fear, just apply to work for an online start up company, this way you can continue to avoid real human interaction. Realistically, who needs face-to-face communication these days anyways – everything is online, right?

 Good luck to everyone, 'twas a blast!